
Ways to Give

The following donation options allow you to give a general gift to Launch global or support a specific global worker or staff member.

Already a donor?

If you have given before, click the Manage Account button below to log into your account. After logging-in, use the menu on the left to make changes to your recurring donation, update your personal profile, or create a new donation.

manage account


Donate to our mobilization fund to help Launch Global increase the number of healthy missionaries serving the unreached.

give now


Fund a Launch Global staff member as they work to empower churches with the tools, resources, and people needed to fulfill The Great Commission.

give now

SUpport a 9-month group participant

Give to a missionary-in training as they raise funds and prepare for deployment in a diaspora-based apartment community.

give now

Stock Donation

By donating assets such as stocks and mutual funds before the sale, you can potentially reduce or eliminate capital gain taxed and invest even more.

give now

Donate by mail

Make your check payable to Launch Global and include any specific project names or a staff member’s ministry account number in the memo.

Please mail your gift to:
PO Box 679913
Dallas, TX 75267-9913


What is Launch Global’s Giving Policy?

Launch Global strives to honor the preferences expressed by our ministry partners regarding the use of their donations, consistent with our charitable purpose and budget. However, Launch Global maintains full control over all funds donated to Launch Global and ultimate discretion as to their use, including redirection to other ministry needs. This ensures that all funds will be used most effectively to carry out Launch Global’s religious and charitable purposes, as required for contributions to be tax-deductible in the United States.

Launch Global adheres to ECFA Standard 7.2 which states: “Occasionally, givers request a refund of a charitable gift they made previously. Since contributions must be irrevocable to qualify for a charitable deduction, there generally is no basis to return a charitable gift to a donor.” However, on rare occasions, a donor may be refunded if a gift was made in error, and it was clearly not the intent of the donor to initiate the charitable donation in the first place. This will be reviewed by our Finance Department on a case-by-case basis.

How do I set up a new account?

  1. Go online to:
  2. Scroll down and select the Manage Account button
  3. Select “Don’t Have an Account Yet? Create Account” to begin the process of creating your account.
  4. Fill out the required fields and select Submit at the bottom of the screen to save your information.

How do I edit information for my existing online recurring donation?

  1. Go online to:
  2. Scroll down and select the Manage Account button
  3. Enter your login and password to get into your account. Ifyou do not recall your
    login information, please use the “Having trouble logging in?” link to reset your
  4. Once logged in, go to the drop-down menu on the right under “What would you
    like to do?” and select Edit Donation Info
  5. Scroll to where you see Recurring Donation and to the right under Actions
    select Edit to update your payment information or make other changes
  6. Select Submit at the bottom of the screen to save your updated information

How do i create a new online recurring donation?

1. Go online to:
2. Scroll down and select the Manage Account button
3 Enter your login and password to get into your account. If you do not recall your login information, please use the “Having trouble logging in?” link to reset your password
4. Once logged in, go to the drop-down menu on the right under “What would you like to do?” and select Create Donation Today
5. Choose the staff member’s name from the drop-down menu to create an online recurring donation
6. Select Submit at the bottom of the screen to save your new donation information

Can I set up an online recurring donation that begins in the future?

Yes, but only if you already have an account set up with NO OTHER ACTIVE recurring donations.

  1. Go online to:
  2. Scroll down and select the Manage Account button.
  3. Enter your login and password to get into your account. If you do not recall your login information, please use the “Having trouble logging in?” link to reset your password
  4. Once logged in, go to the drop-down menu on the right under “What would you like to do?” and select Edit Donation Information
  5. Under Recurring Donation, 2/3 of the way down the page, select Set up Recurring Donation
  6. Put in the donation amount and frequency (e.g. monthly, quarterly, or annually). The calendar icon will allow you to pick a day in the future to start the recurring donation. Once selected, your recurring donation will automatically go out that day every month, quarter or year.
  7. The payment option defaults to credit/debit card payments. If you want to do an E-Check (ACH) payment, you need to click at the top under Recurring Donation, Pay by E-Check and the system will allow you to enter your bank routing and account number
  8. Select Submit at the bottom of the screen to save your new donation information

How do I create a one-time donation online?

  1. Go online to:
  2. Scroll down and select the Manage Account button
  3. Enter your login and password to get into your account. If you do not recall your login information, please use the “Having trouble logging in?” link to reset your password
  4. Once logged in, go to the drop-down menu on the right under “What would you like to do?” and select Create Donation Today
  5. Under “Support a Launch Global Staff Member”, select the campaign name.
  6. Fill out the required information and be sure to select “this is a one-time donation”
  7. Select Submit at the bottom of the screen to submit your one-time donation.

How do I cancel my online recurring donation?

Please email or call 214-301-3092 to cancel your online recurring donation. Otherwise, you may accidentally delete your Launch Global account. Our donor administration team can deactivate your recurring donation and ensure your donation will be discontinued properly.


Is there an advantage to the form of payment utilized for my donation?

Yes. Fees charged to Launch Global by our third-party payment processor are significantly lower on E-Check (ACH) donation payments versus credit/debit card payments. Therefore, more of your donation dollars will be used to directly support our ministry team members when you use the E-Check payment option.

How do I switch my form of payment?

If you are switching your form of payment you must create a new donation and request the old donation be deleted by contacting our donor administration team at or calling 214-301-3092.

does launch global accept donations by physical check and what is the preferred address to send a check to?

Yes. Physical donation checks should be sent to our secure lockbox at: P.O. Box 679913, Dallas, TX 75267-9913.

who should i make a donation check out to?

All donation checks should be made out to Launch Global in order to receive a tax donation receipt and to be processed into a team member’s ministry account. Please add the ministry team member’s ID in the memo line of the check or include a completed donation form provided to you by Launch Global or the ministry team member you are supporting. Unfortunately, we cannot accept or deposit checks made out directly to our ministry team members. These checks will be returned to the donor.

Additional Questions?

If you have any other questions or need help editing, setting up, or ending a donation, please reach out to