Since 2020 our mobilization team has been working to mobilize the 21 Spanish speaking countries in the world to the 10/40 window by working with a network called Coalicion21 (Coalition21).
We saw the incredible opportunity and direct confirmation from God to take part in this collaboration to awaken, develop, and deploy Spanish speaking churches to unreached people groups. Since Launch Global has this same heartbeat, mission, and vision, we decided to contribute to the Spanish speaking sending pipeline to train churches at a local level and help create a sending process. God confirmed that NOW IS THE TIME as we began to hear stories from our Spanish speaking brothers and sisters that God has been stirring the nations in their hearts to GO and make disciples amongst the unreached.
Statistics show there is an average of 100 individuals who attend every Spanish speaking church. If this is true, then it prompts the question, “What would happen if 1 out of every 100 individuals in Spanish speaking churches was sent as a missionary to the unreached nations?”. We believe if the Spanish speaking church was sending according to its maximum potential, the missionary force would be at least 8 times the size of what it currently represents.
God has reminded us that it takes a whole army of people with different strengths and giftings to mobilize the Spanish speaking church. Working with this network feels like a family championing one another to complete the task of reaching the unreached with the Gospel. We get to learn from other ministries and we also get to hear the incredible stories of what God is doing all over the world through Spanish speaking believers.
[By 2026, the vision is to see a church from every single Spanish speaking nation (21 countries) start implementing the pipeline (process) of awakening, equipping and sending laborers to the unreached people groups. ]